| verifications


Staff Solutions in participation with MIE Smartscreen AFIS



Important reasons for using background screening as a Tool in your selection process:

  • Highlights a criminal history, especially for positions that require trust and honesty
  • It flags any other indiscretions, that might have an impact on the ability to deliver a reliable service
  • Fulfills due diligence and safeguards you from possible liability
  • Gives you a well-rounded picture of the candidate
  • Protects the safety of their employees and customers
  • Highlights dishonesty
  • Helps you select the right candidate and provides you with peace of mind, especially in positions that require honesty and trust

Staff Solutions offers accurate and effective background screening and Skills Assessments which can assist you with:

Pre-employment screening:

  • Selection of new staff
  • Skills Auditing
  • Development of staff and succession planning
  • Managing your talent pool

Service Offered:

  • Various background checks, but not limited to, criminal verifications, ID, credit checks, qualification verifications, FAIS authorisation, reference checking, drivers license and driver accident history
  • Psychometric Testing
  • Skills Assessment Tests

Important reasons for using background screening as a Tool in your selection process:

  • Highlights a criminal history, especially for positions that require trust and honesty
  • It flags any other indiscretions, that might have an impact on the ability to deliver a reliable service
  • Fulfills due diligence and safeguards you from possible liability
  • Gives you a well-rounded picture of the candidate
  • Protects the safety of their employees and customers
  • Highlights dishonesty
  • Helps you select the right candidate and provides you with peace of mind, especially in positions that require honesty and trust

Staff Solutions offers accurate and effective background screening and Skills Assessments which can assist you with:

Pre-employment screening:

  • Selection of new staff
  • Skills Auditing
  • Development of staff and succession planning
  • Managing your talent pool

Service Offered:

  • Various background checks, but not limited to, criminal verifications, ID, credit checks, qualification verifications, FAIS authorization, reference checking, drivers license and driver accident history
  • Psychometric Testing
  • Skills Assessment Tests

Can You Afford Not to do
Background Checks?

We get the information you want and need to improve
security and confidence.


Importance of Background Checks

In today’s business climate, conducting background checks is a necessity – not an option. Background checks protect companies, fellow employees and third parties from negative effects that result when unfit candidates are hired. A person with poor intentions, reckless habits or invisible mental issues can cause havoc in a company, endangering it’s reputation and financial standing. Choosing not to conduct background checks means a company takes on the risk of it’s employees behavior and therefore making a company liable for negative situations such as crimes, fines and lawsuits.

Objectives of Background Checks

Background checks are more than merely criminal record checks. The objective in carrying out comprehensive background checks are to ensure that the applicant is who he/she says they are, that they have done what they say have done, have attained the level of education stated, are licensed to do what they do and that they are good character. An additional tool of great value is an Attitude and Behavioral Assessment that establishes cultural fit within an organisation. Not all jobs are the same, therefore the criteria would vary to match the job requirements.

Psychometrics Tests Offered

  • Behavioral Profile
  • Integrity Profile
  • Basic Integrity Profile
  • General Integrity Profile
  • Counterproductive Work Behaviour
  • Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
  • Personality at Work
  • English Proficiency
  • Aptitude Profile
  • Driver Assessment Profile
  • Security Assessment Profile
  • Aptitude, Learning Potential, Integrity
  • Aptitude General
  • Managerial Competence – Senior Level
  • Managerial Competence – Middle Level
  • Managerial Competence – Junior Level
  • Career Guidance

Verifications Offered

  • Criminal Verification
  • Credit Checks
  • ID verification
  • Drivers License/PDP Verification
  • Educational Qualification Verification
  • CCMA Awards
  • Employment Reference
  • Various Further Verifications
  • FAIS Verification


All Criminal checks are done by using Fingerprint Detail. Verifications are administered by Qualified
Biometric officers. Psychometric assessments are assessed by qualified Psychometrists.



  • Basic Screening (Intergrity, Personality, Prospect Screener)
  • Online assessment
  • Entry Level / Operational
  • First Line / Junior Management
  • Specialist & Middle Management
  • Senior & Executive Management

Each Risk Assessment includes a minimum number of standard personal credential verifications and assessments. This is
determined by the level of employment for which the candidate is being considered for and industry best practice.

How does this add value to your background screening process?

  • Standardise screening process by job level
  • Eradicate any potential for nepotism or bias in your recruitment process
  • Specialist & Middle Management
  • Standardise decision making across your organisation and reduce risk

new service


Social media screening allows employers to add to their vetting process, gaining valuable insight into candidates and existing employees. Employers will obtain insight into candidate’s strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, passions, charitable work, etc.

In addition it allows employers the ability to safeguard against incompatible candidates, that would likely result in significant reputational damage to the organisation, by highlighting “red-flags” (racism, sexism, homophobia, illegal behaviour, image/brand/reputation/damaging content).

Incorporating social media screening into the vetting process, results in increased levels of first time fit, job satisfaction and productivity. Employers will have the added peace of mind that the process ensures for impartial, balanced and unbiased results.